Monday 11 May 2015


Hello internet. 

Everyone has things on their mind that they don't really share with anyone. Even if they want too. I have a lot of things on my mind that is unspoken. Like my biggest "what if.." and my anxiety about the future.

Right now i feel like talking about fears. I have a lot of fears. I'm afraid of heights, i'm afraid of needles, i'm afraid of talking in front of people and sometimes i'm afraid of the dark.

Sometimes i just want to overcome my fear. Beat it. I don't want it to be there. But then every time i try to beat it i just get too much anxiety and sometimes small panic attacks. Last summer i was going to overcome my fear of heights. I actually got up in the Eiffel tower, but then i almost kind of fainted. I didn't but i was really really close.

I read a quote once on the internet who said "Fear is an illusion, when you understand that you'll be free". I was thinking about this and i'm still are(i read that like a year ago) It works sometimes, but i haven't really understood this yet. I kind of understand that fear is more like a choice, okay not a choice but it's you're own thoughts. We have created our own fear. I have made myself think that heights are dangerous, which it can be sometimes but not going up in a tower. Needles aren't dangerous but i think that, i can't change the way i've made myself feel about needles, or i can i just need to know how. Maybe google have the answer? Is someone reading this having a fear or fears? Have you ever beat you're fear? Tell me in a comment please.

Bye Internet. 

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